Drop off

We understand that mornings are challenging for parents and children. Thus, we’re committed to doing anything possible to ensure a warm welcome and a positive start to the day.

When you arrive, a team member or the child’s key person will meet you at the door. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss if your child had a sleepless night, has eaten breakfast, or any other information that we should know about.

If your child hasn’t had breakfast at home, we will provide them with a meal. Then, the child will settle down with their friends and practitioners.

Indoor Play

All of the children in the nursery will be encouraged to explore and play with others. We believe in experiential play, so a part of the curriculum is delivered through play-based experienced. Therefore, we provide children with the freedom to unleash their inner creativity through the available resources.

Every room has mini-models of cars, people, and animals to familiarise themselves with the world around them.

Outdoor Play

Outings and outdoor play are an essential part of early years provisions. Children will be allowed to explore new places and experience the world beyond the classroom. All of the outings are adequately planned, risk assessed and controlled.

Off-site activities significantly enhance the learning experience of children. Every child will be able to participate in all outdoor activities while being supervised by adults.


We are committed to ensuring that the food provided will support the development of healthy eating practices. At MTO, mealtimes are enjoyable social occasions that encourage good communication skills and language development.

The children will enjoy breakfast, two daily snacks, and an evening meal. Our chef will cook nutritious food and snacks throughout the day without excessive fats, salt, sugar, artificial additives, preservatives, and colourings.

The servings will include fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, fresh drinking water will be available at all times.

Sleep and Rest

We believe that sleep is essential for all children. We aim that all children will have enough time to sleep and rest throughout the day if they need or want to. Every room has a quiet area with gentle music, sleeping mats, and necessary supplies.

Usually, nap time is after lunch, and we ensure that every child is in the right sleeping position, have their comforters, and are nurtured to sleep.

To help with the transition to pre-school, older children who do not want to sleep will engage in activities while the rest are sleeping.

Pick Up

When you pick up your child, the key person will discuss with you the child’s accomplishments and how the day went for them. This is a great time to discuss and ask questions about the child’s overall progression. The manager’s door is always open if you would like a chat with management.

Don’t forget to grab the piece of fruit on your way out!